Monotypes by Luiz Zerbini is included in Place of Being: the Burle Marx Legacy at MAM Rio, on view from January 27 through May 26, 2024. The exhibition proposes new readings on the documentary collection of the work of Brazilian landscape designer and artist Roberto Burle Marx (1909-1994) and his collaborators.
An exponent of Brazilian modernism, Roberto Burle Marx was the creator of the MAM Rio gardens project and several other proposals that became part of the daily lives of the places in which they are located. The curators of Place of Being sought to expand upon the themes of Marx’s projects by placing them in dialogue with the designer’s reverberating legacy in the work of six contemporary artists.
Luiz Zerbini’s series of monotypes forge a relationship of collaboration and co-authorship with the organic material of plants and their imprint upon a plant-based surface: the paper itself. Each monotype is created through a choice of plants, the colors of the paints, and the compositions of leaves, branches, and flowers of different textures and sizes. For this series, all the plants were obtained in the gardens of the Burle Marx Site and printed in partnership with João Sánchez, from Estúdio Baren.
To learn more about Luiz Zerbini in Place of Being: The Legacy of Burle Marx at MAM Rio, click here.