Boston University announces Josephine Halvorson, Professor of Art and Chair of Graduate Studies in Painting, as the 2022 University Lecturer. Established in 1950, the University Lecture each year spotlights the outstanding and thought-provoking research and creative work of a BU faculty member to the BU community and the general public. Halvorson’s lecture, “Making Space for Wonder: In Person and Up Close,” will be held on November 9 at 7 PM.
Professor Halvorson is an influential, commanding presence in the world of contemporary art. Working across the media of painting, sculpture, and printmaking, she makes art that foregrounds firsthand experience—the insights that come from sustained, close looking—to create works that compel us to appreciate the world in which we live and find wonder in the everyday.
Under Professor Halvorson’s leadership, graduate painting at BU has risen to become the #1 program in Massachusetts and #6 in the nation (US News). She is the recipient of major international residencies and fellowships, including a Fulbright Fellowship (Vienna) and a Harriet Hale Woolley Fellowship (Paris). She was the first American pensionnaire at the French Academy in Rome at the Villa Medici. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including the 2019 Havana Biennial. Professor Halvorson is the subject of Art21’s documentary series New York Close Up and her work has been written about extensively.
For more information on Josephine Halvorson and the 2022 University Lecture at Boston University, click here.